Tel: 07917 097179




Stress Management

Excess stress can be the indirect cause of, amongst other things, physical illness, relationship problems, and depression and in extreme circumstances suicide.
Many situations can lead to the development of the symptoms of excess stress including fear, overwork, responsibility, loss, lack of fulfillment and illness. Every individual has different tolerance levels when it comes to stress. The therapeutic needs of the individual are paramount in the treatment of stress and stress related disorders. Willpower alone is not an effective or permanent solution to stress problems.
Employers lose many hundreds of man/woman hours every year due to stress related illness.

Sophie Cresswell at offers a comprehensive stress management programme which offers an integrated approach to stress management. Programmes are tailored for both individuals and corporate clients that will help not only presenting stress but also continued prevention.

For more information on our stress reduction programme please phone or e-mail and make an appointment today at … 07917097179